經濟學人Daily briefing 每日重點新聞

3 min readMay 16, 2021

以色列國防軍在推特上說:“以色列國防軍的空中和地面部隊目前正在加薩走廊一帶發動進攻”。The Israel Defence Forces tweeted that “IDF air and ground troops are currently attacking in the Gaza Strip”.

(Image: TWITTER)

後來他們宣布沒有士兵在該領土內。以色列總理內塔尼亞胡(Binyamin Netanyahu)表示,他正在考慮部署武裝部隊來控制困擾以色列城市數天的猶太人和阿拉伯人之間的群眾暴亂。Later it announced that none of its soldiers were inside the territory. Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, said he was considering deploying the armed forces to control the mob violence between Jews and Arabs that has plagued Israeli cities for several days.

那裡的動盪是由於耶路撒冷的緊張局勢以及隨後在加薩地帶爆發的戰火而造成的。迄今為止,哈馬斯(巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭教遜尼派組織)與以色列國防軍之間互相發射的火箭彈和空襲已經造成100多名巴勒斯坦人和另外7名的以色列人死亡。以色列國防軍取消了所有戰鬥部隊的休假,並召集了7,000名預備役人員。The unrest there has been caused by tension in Jerusalem, and the subsequent eruption of fighting in Gaza. The exchange of rockets and air strikes between Hamas and the IDF has so far killed more than 100 Palestinians and another seven people in Israel. The IDF has cancelled all leave for combat units, and called up 7,000 reservists.

左:人民民族黨領導人班奈特;右:以色列總理內塔尼亞胡(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

以色列反對派之間的聯合談判破裂。人民民族黨(Yamina)領導人班奈特(Naftali Bennett)放棄了與中間派未來黨(Yesh Atid)領導人拉皮德(Yair Lapid)以組建政府為目的的會談。Coalition negotiations among Israel’s opposition collapsed. Naftali Bennett, the leader of Yamina, a nationalist party, abandoned talks with Yair Lapid, head of the centrist Yesh Atid party, aimed at forming a government.

戰火使爭取阿拉伯政黨的支持更加困難。在總理內塔尼亞胡(Binyamin Netanyahu)上週失敗後,拉皮德還剩下三週時間可以再次嘗試。The fighting has made it more difficult to attract support from Arab parties. Mr Lapid has three weeks left to try again after the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, failed last week.

未來十年,韓國將斥資4500億美元發展其半導體產業。三星和SK海力士這兩家科技公司已經製造了世界上大多數基本記憶體晶片。但是韓國希望超越台灣,成為先進半導體產業的世界領導者。政府將提供稅收減免、放寬管制、低利率以及投資基礎設施,以幫助促進國內產業發展。South Korea will spend $450bn to develop its semiconductor industry over the next decade. Samsung and SK Hynix, two technology companies, already make most of the world’s basic memory chips. But the country wants to overtake Taiwan as the world leader in advanced semiconductors. The government will offer tax breaks, deregulation, low interest rates and investment in infrastructure to help boost the domestic industry.

截至5月8日當週,美國尋求失業救濟的人數降至473,000,這是自2020年3月中旬疫情席捲美國以來每週總數中最低的。另外,亞馬遜宣布計劃在美國和加拿大僱用75,000名新員工,而麥當勞將提高旗下在美650家餐廳的薪資,並鼓勵加盟商跟進。The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell to 473,000 in the week ending May 8th, the lowest weekly total since mid-March 2020, when the pandemic gripped America. Separately, Amazon announced plans to hire 75,000 new employees in America and Canada and McDonald’s will raise wages in the 650 American restaurants it owns as well as encourage franchisees to do the same.

阿富汗周圍四枚獨立的路面炸彈終結了由塔利班宣布的停火,塔利班原以紀念開齋節假期,宣佈了為期三天的停火,然而僅在開齋節的第一個小時就造成了11人死亡,另有13人受傷。據報導,塔利班與阿富汗政府之間未發生任何實際交戰。Four separate roadside bombs around Afghanistan shattered a three-day ceasefire declared by the Taliban to mark the Eid al-Fitr holiday just hours into its first day, killing at least 11 people and wounding 13 others. No actual fighting between the Taliban and the Afghan government has been reported.

美國疾病控制與預防中心表示,在大多數室內和室外環境中(不包括醫療診所和公共交通設施),完全接種covid-19疫苗的人可以停止戴口罩和維持社交距離。該中心希望這項指引能鼓勵更多的美國人進行疫苗接種。大約有1.54億人已施打了一或多劑疫苗,但接種的速度正在放緩。America’s Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said that people who are fully vaccinated against covid-19 may stop wearing masks and socially distancing in most indoor and outdoor settings (excluding health-care clinics and public transport). It hopes the guidance will encourage more Americans to get vaccinated. Around 154m have received one shot or more but the pace of vaccination is slowing.

在勒索軟體攻擊之下,Colonial Pipeline迫使關閉的幾天之後,美國東南部的司機苦於找不到汽油。根據彭博社報導,Colonial的所有者已經向駭客支付了近500萬美元。美國最大的燃料管道已於週三恢復運營。總統拜登(Joe Biden)表示,週末將恢復正常供應。Drivers in America’s south-east had trouble finding petrol for their cars days after a ransomware attack forced Colonial Pipeline to close down. Bloomberg reported that Colonial’s owners had paid nearly $5m to the hackers. The country’s biggest fuel pipeline resumed operations on Wednesday; President Joe Biden said supplies would return to normal at the weekend.

每日知識:美國的一種蟬“Brood X”開始了它們17年的繁殖週期,並正在從地下逐漸出現在地面。當它們的生物鬧鐘響起時,會開始成熟,湧現,交配,產卵,然後在四到六週內全部死亡。Fact of the day: Brood X, a type of cicada in America, are emerging from the ground at the start of their 17-years breeding cycle. When their biological alarm clocks go off they mature, emerge, mate, lay eggs and then die — all in four to six weeks.

